30 August 2013

Re-appearing File Won't Delete

If you're trying to delete a file and upon pressing F5 (i.e. refresh view), it keeps re-appearing, restart your PC (and yes sometimes an entire file server needs to be restarted if that is where the file is stored), and see if the file is then gone, or can successfully be deleted.

This is a bit extreme in some cases, but in others, it is the only thing that works.

Other options you can try range from using Process Explorer to find which process is locking the file, and stopping that process, to throwing your entire computer away in frustration.

The last option is effective, but has a number of side-effects.

27 August 2013

Fix RDP clipboard if copy/paste is failing

Sometimes copy/paste to/from an RDP session fails even if all server and client settings have been configured correctly. Often the fix is as easy as this:

  • Open Task Manager
  • End the rdpclip.exe process
  • Run a new process
  • Type rdpclip and press Enter

or for a more stressed out post (if the comments have not been removed)

07 August 2013

Remotely Enable RDP

This method assumes remote registry is enabled on the remote PC that you wish to access. If that is also disabled, a physical trip to the PC may be in order.

  1. Open Regedit and "Connect Network Registry..."
  2. Connect to the remote computer by name or IP address
  3. Find HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \ SYSTEM \ CurrentControlSet \ Control \ Terminal Server
  4. Locate the fDenyTSConnections entry
  5. Change the value from 1 to 0
  6. You should now be able to connect via RDP
