16 August 2019

User Powershell Script as Startup or Login Script and Bypass Execution Policy

Use the following settings in the Login/Startup Script section of your GPO

Script Name: %windir%\System32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\powershell.exe
Script Parameters: -Noninteractive -ExecutionPolicy Bypass –Noprofile -file MyPSScript.ps1 -psscriptparameter1 value -pssscriptparameter2

-Noninteractive Prevents an interactive window from trying to open at any time during the script execution
-ExecutionPolicy Bypass Enables this single script to run if more restrictive Powershell Execution policies are normally applied on the target computer
-Noprofile Ensures PowerShell does not execute profile scripts and instead launches the desired script immediately in an unaltered environment

16 January 2019

Manage the Local Administrators Group on Azure AD Joined Devices

  • If your tenant users are synchronized from on-premises Active Directory, use net localgroup administrators /add "Contoso\username".
  • If your tenant users are created in Azure AD, use net localgroup administrators /add "AzureAD\UserUpn"
