29 October 2014

Offline Files and VPN

Windows offline files over VPN depends on IPv6.

See this guys post for evidence:

10 October 2014

Configuring an Automatic Resolution Policy for Offline Files

Due to the persistent investigations of Aaron Parker at http://stealthpuppy.com/, we have some useful info on this. The following instructions from Aaron's blog give us what we need. For further details, see his full blog entry at http://stealthpuppy.com/configuring-an-automatic-resolution-policy-for-offline-files-in-windows-7/.

An automatic resolution policy for Offline Files is implemented by adding a registry value for each network share for which you wish to control synchronisation, then specifying the policy for automatic resolution.
  1. Click Start, type regedit in the Start Search box, and then press ENTER
  2. Locate and then click the following registry subkey: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\NetCache
  3. On the Edit menu, point to New, and then click Key. Type SyncConflictHandling, and then press ENTER
  4. Right-click SyncConflictHandling, point to New, and then click Expandable String Value. Type the path of the network share as the value name (for example \\servername\share)
  5. Right-click the value name, and then click Modify. In the Value data box, enter a value listed in the table below, and then click OK
The possible values for SyncConflictHandling and a description of each value is listed is this table:
0No resolution. The conflict is unresolved. This allows the conflict to be processed by other handlers in the system.
1Keep the local state. This overwrites the remote copy with the local copy's contents. If the local copy was deleted, this deletes the remote copy on the server.
2Keep the remote state. This overwrites the local copy with the remote copy's contents. If the remote copy was deleted, this deletes the local copy in the Offline Files cache.
3Keeps both copies. Note that this resolution is valid only for sync conflict states where both the server and client copies exist and where at least one of the items is a file. This resolution type is not available when one of the items has been deleted or both items are directories.
4Retains the state of the latest operation as determined by last-change times of the items in conflict. If the local item was deleted, the time of deletion is used for comparison.
5Write an entry to the sync conflict log and perform no further attempts at resolving the conflict. The interactive user will resolve the conflict through Sync Center at a later time.
6Do not resolve the conflict. Do not record an entry in the sync conflict log
7Cancel the synchronization operation