17 September 2012

Windows Update 800B0001 Error

If Windows 7 clients are getting the following Windows Update error:
Windows could not search for new updates
An error occurred while checking for new updates for your computer.
Error(s) found:
Code 800B0001 Windows Update  encountered an unknown error.
Clients can still get updates from Microsoft Update, but anything from our WSUS does not work.
As it turns out Microsoft had updated the Windows Update client on Windows 7 and that an update (the number is KB2720211) was required on the WSUS server to allow the clients to continue to update.
Simple solution is to approve this update in WSUS and apply it to your servers, a bit of a pain is that this update requires a reboot of the server but hey its that or no updates for your clients!
 Thanks MyWorldOfIT


13 September 2012

Force Windows to Check for Updates

To force Windows to check for updates type wuauclt /detectnow at a command prompt

05 September 2012

Black Screen When Restoring Minimised RDP Session

When restoring a minimised RDP session, often it will come up with a completely black screen, which won't go away for up to 20 seconds...not productivity friendly!

Try this on the client PC (not the remote server/PC):
  • In registry go to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Terminal Server Client\
  • Create a new DWORD value named RemoteDesktop_SuppressWhenMinimized
  • Specify 2 as the value data.
